Monday, April 30, 2012

32 weeks 5 days!

Can you believe it? Almost 33 weeks! I am so excited to say that I am going to make it over the 33 week mark. I have no idea if that is some sort of magic number in development, but to me it's a magic number. Woo hoo!

Today was another BPP and it was great. Perfect score! Baby likes to move alot and once again, she is breech. There must be some sort of physiologic issue with me or my uterus because all my babies prefer the breech position. I think of all the ultrasounds I've had, she's only been head down maybe 3 times. Oh well.

I also got my first installment of my steroid shots to help the lungs develop, just in case we do deliver this week after the growth scan. I was expecting her to give me the shot in my arm, but the nurse said that she was pulling the curtain for me. I was like, "what???" She gave it to me in my bootie!! Apparently, she thought my arms were too skinny for the IM shot. Boo. Brad is going to give me my second shot tomorrow. The MFM was super nice and is letting him do it, instead of me driving up to Emory again. I bet he's looking forward to giving me a shot there. :-P

That is it for now. Til another day.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Still looking good!

I didn't realize that I actually had some readers on this blog, but when I didn't post anything yesterday, I got a couple of emails wondering what was up. I promise, if something really important happens, you will get an email. You will hear about it. Facebook. Email. Blog. Phone call. Something. I promise!

Yesterday's BPP was perfect yet again. 8/8. Next week is our big growth scan. This will once again determine whether or not we will continue on with the pregnancy. I really do feel like I have grown, so I'm not particularly worried. I am having trouble bending over and getting up and down, so I know my belly is getting bigger. I am anxious to know "how much" she has grown. I would love for her to have caught up, that that's talking about like 6 weeks worth of growth in 3 weeks, which I don't think is possible, but I can still hope for it, right? ;-) Realistically, we just want her to stay on her growth curve - 5th%.

I am getting steroid shots on Monday and Tuesday to help develop the baby's lungs more - just in case we do deliver next week. It's kind of a one time thing (like you can only do it once during pregnancy), so the doctors had to decide when was the best time and this is when it was decided. We actually convinced the MFM fellow to let Brad give it to me at home so I don't have to go in three times next week. I'm sure Brad is looking forward to shooting me up.

One sad bit of news is that the MFM fellow we have been seeing every Monday and Thursday is changing rotations starting next week (such is the life of a resident and fellow), so we're going to get someone new. I really liked our fellow and am sad we'll have to change. I had the other fellow that is coming on next week in the very very beginning of pregnancy (like at the 6 week ultrasound where nobody thought the baby was going to make it), so I have met her before. I doubt she remembers us, but at least I have seen her before, you know?

Ok, that's it. Other than that, Ben is skipping his naps and being a big mess of a 3 year old. Sadie had her 18 month check up and has quite the spunky side (especially when it comes to her brother). We had our carpets cleaned yesterday, so we are now going to start getting ready for the baby. Yikes!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Ben is riding a bike!

That is right people...Ben is now training wheel free on his little bitty 12" bike. He is quite a bit wobbly and has trouble starting and stopping, but he is riding by himself. We couldn't be prouder. Check out this video.

And on a pregnancy related note, I am still pregnant. Another perfect BPP this morning. I love that I can walk through the doors of the office and have the receptionist say before I even step two steps in, "good morning, Ms. Mitchell. You are checked in." :-)

Thursday, April 19, 2012

31 week mark

And all is still good. 8/8 on my BPP. Let's keep going!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Another great BPP!

I feel like I'm just repeating myself over and over again, but it is totally awesome to be able to do so. Baby got another perfect score this morning and we were done with the scan in less than 5 minutes. Now if it didn't take 45 minutes to go 4 miles this morning on the interstate...:-P

For all you out there who are counting, I am 30 weeks and 5 days today. I have had 13 ultrasounds so far this pregnancy (and I refused one in the beginning just because I wanted to leave the office and didn't really feel like being a teaching patient at the moment for the med student). Here's hoping for at least 14 more ultrasounds.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

God is so good!

No baby today! I can't tell you how excited Brad and I are to not have a 30 week baby, but today's scans were great. We had another growth scan (they only do those every 3 weeks) and our baby grew 3 weeks and 1 day in 3 weeks! She reached the 2 pound mark (910 grams to be exact), which is what I was secretly hoping for at today's scan. Some of her little body parts grew more than others, which is fine. She is still hovering around the 5th% or less in everything, but that is fine for now as long as she doesn't drop off and continues to grow. She is still considered "symmetrically growth restricted," but for now she still looks just "constitutionally small" (i.e. just a really small baby). Nothing to be concerned about really, except for her petite size. Of course, we won't know for sure until the day she is born, but right now we are quite positive about the outcome.

For now, we will continue with what we are doing - going in twice a week for biophysical profiles, every other week to the OB, and every three weeks to do a growth scan. Once we hit 33 weeks, I will get steroid shots to help her lungs develop, and at 37 weeks we will deliver (of course assuming that we haven't already delivered).  

I know I am hoping and praying for a lot, but for the next growth scan we would like to see her continue to grow symmetrically within the time allotted (3 weeks in 3 weeks) and I would love to see her at 3 lbs. So pray for that!! I feel like we can get there, that we can get all the way to 37 weeks.

Thank you everyone!!

Monday, April 09, 2012

29 weeks 5 days

Had another biophysical profile this morning. Little miss gave us a little anxiety because she did not want to show us that she could breathe. We had to sit there for quite awhile until she finally took her little practice breath. She was moving and heart beating and blood flowing, but she was just not practicing her breathing for us. Finally, she did. The fellow explained that for the most part, women don't even start on biophysical profiles until they are 32 weeks pregnant (we are just one of the few that got to start at 28 weeks...) because babies don't regularly practice breathing until then. Before 32 weeks, they just do it more in intervals, so no biggie.

Honestly, these biophysical profiles are not the barrier in the pregnancy. I am not expecting to go in and fail one of these tests and deliver the same day. Maybe I am being naive, but I just don't think that will happen. They sure are an inconvenience though.

Thursday is our growth scan. That is, in my opinion, the barrier. If little miss has not grown, I do fully expect to have the baby soon (if not that same day).

All in all, a great appointment. Pray to keep this baby inside and to continue growing.

Thursday, April 05, 2012

Happy Smiley Sadie

29 weeks 1 day - Perfect Score!

Had another biophysical profile exam with dopplers today. Perfect score!

Maybe I'm getting cocky, but I'm beginning to think that we're going to go all the way with perfect scores to the very end of pregnancy. I'm sure my OB wouldn't want me thinking that...I'm probably setting myself up for failure,but I think what I think. ;-)  Next week will surely be telling because we have our next growth scan next Thursday. If she hasn't grown, then we've got problems. I think I look bigger and I feel bigger, so hopefully that means the baby is getting bigger. I'm secretly hoping that the baby will be about 2 lbs next week (pretty unlikely given the previous measurements), but I can always hope. :-) Just for reference, the average 30 weeker is about 3 lb 7 oz.

One exciting thing that happened today is the ultrasound tech switched over to 3D for a brief minute and I got to see our baby's face. Well, at least half of it. Her right arm was covering up her right eye and side of her face. We didn't print out the picture today, but if I have the same tech next week, she said she would do it again next week. Sneaky sneaky. Honestly, it was really neat to see her in 3D. The part of her I saw was just a perfect little thing - a real baby! I'm really thankful that the tech did that for me as it was unexpectedly nice.

That's all for now. Hope everybody has a wonderful Easter!

Monday, April 02, 2012

28 weeks 5 days Biophysical Profile

Yep is still inside. Perfect score once again. I've got 3 more biophysical profile tests before my next growth scan (which is next Thursday). Hopefully, she will have made "significant progress" (whatever that means). :-)

I got to speak with the MFM fellow again today. Nothing new to report. If all goes well and keeps on progressing, I'll get the steroid shots (for the baby's lung development) at 33 weeks. And, we'll probably induce around 37 weeks. And that will be AFTER Brad's board exams...

It's really weird to think that this doctor is just one year ahead of Brad in training. She finishes up her fellowship next June (which is the same time that Brad finishes), but she started in 2006, which is one year before Brad started internship.  It's just strange to think that the person that is in charge (well technically she's a consultant, she's not "in charge," but still) of my care is just one year older than me.