Tuesday, September 15, 2009

One other thing...

You can catch up on our life in picture format by heading on over to www.anneandbrad.com

Happy Birthday Ben!

So I realize this post is waaaaayyyy waaaayyy way overdue, but I thought everyone might want to know how life is at the Mitchell house.

We're great!

Ben just turned the big O-N-E on September 11th. I can't believe that my baby is a toddler now (although he can't walk, so maybe that still makes him a baby...). We had a great time seeing all of our family throughout the weekend.

Enjoying the cake (actually Ben didn't like the cake...this is one of the few pictures of him smiling with the cake).

We're still living in Atlanta (in Grant Park specifically) and we love it here. Everyday Ben and I go to the zoo or the park (only about a block away) to swing on the swing or whatever. Ben loves to be outside and is always pointing out the trees and leaves and the squirrels.

Brad is in his 3rd year of radiology residency (out of 5 and then there is the fellowship), so we're almost half way done with residency. Woo hoo!! Who would have thought that when I met Brad in 2000 that he would STILL not be done with school. Although this time next year we'll be applying for fellowships...sometimes it's so scary how fast everything happens....

I am working part time (part part time) as a nurse at Emory Hospital in the inpatient research unit. It's a nice cush job...easy patients for the most part. Nothing like my exciting burn unit days. :-) My main job is being a mommy at this point, which is wonderful!

Well, hopefully I'll keep everyone better updated and post more often. Later!