Friday, October 27, 2006

It's raining and it's cold's cold. Maybe that's because we haven't turned our heat on yet. I don't think we will.

Something in my house beeps (and is beeping now). Every morning when I come home from work. Never during the day. It's weird.

I'm tired. Off to bed.

Thursday, October 05, 2006


The weekend of Mimi and James' wedding was quite an eventful one for me. Two of my very dear and wonderful friends were getting married and it was all very exciting!! Nothing could get me down....

Until Officer Max of Decatur started knocking on my car window. Yes, after 9 years of driving, I have finally received my first ticket. You heard first ticket! Improper right turn.

I signaled! I even looked to see if anyone was there. Nobody was around....I turned right from the left hand lane....easy....nooooo problem...until I saw the flashing red and blue lights.

I would have gotten out of it if I had:
a) cried
b) feigned an emergency (an emergency bachelorette party!)
c) not had one of my headlights out (which seriously had gone out the day before)

Well...I've now learned my lesson and I'm now $101.25 poorer. Suck.

(I've started to write on my blog again...enjoy everyone!)